Hey @Rama, thank a lot! It’s a long time I follow and love you plugin.
I’m now facing a strange issue on Android… I can’t access files as it always crashes no way what I try. I tried different plugin and all does the same crash when trying to open files.
Does anybody as some advice?
That is so nice to hear!
@ Everyone,
I am doing the upgrade to 5.5 shortly!
Unreal Engine 5.5 Version Now Available
You can find the link to download in the original post!
I’ve updated the zip file to use VictoryBPLibrary as the folder name!
Thank you for letting me know!
@Rama, What is the secret to get “Get Static Mesh Vertex Locations” to work in a packaged UE 5.3 game? It works great in the 5.3 editor. Does it work in 5.4 or 5.5?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the quick update!
I’ve downloaded the new plugin files, but I seem to be getting this build error:
[456/463] Compile [x64] Module.VictoryBPLibrary.cpp
R:\AHOY\AHOY\Plugins\VictoryBPLibrary\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(554): warning C4996: 'TArray<T,TSizedInlineAllocator<24,32,FDefaultAllocator>>::Pop': Pop with a boolean bAllowShrinking has been deprecated - please use the EAllowShrinking enum instead Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
T=UWidget *
[457/463] Link [x64] UnrealEditor-VictoryBPLibrary.lib
[458/463] Link [x64] UnrealEditor-VictoryBPLibrary.dll
Creating object R:\AHOY\AHOY\Plugins\VictoryBPLibrary\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor-VictoryBPLibrary.exp
Trace file written to C:/Users/Tyler/AppData/Local/UnrealBuildTool/Log.uba with size 162.6kb
Total time in Unreal Build Accelerator local executor: 1186.52 seconds
Total execution time: 1203.38 seconds
CompilationResultException: OtherCompilationError
at UnrealBuildTool.ActionGraph.ExecuteActionsAsync(BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, List`1 ActionsToExecute, List`1 TargetDescriptors, ILogger Logger, IActionArtifactCache actionArtifactCache) in E:\UE\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\System\ActionGraph.cs:line 471
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.BuildAsync(TargetMakefile[] Makefiles, List`1 TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile, ILogger Logger, String ActionTypeFilter) in E:\UE\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 823
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.BuildAsync(List`1 TargetDescriptors, BuildConfiguration BuildConfiguration, ISourceFileWorkingSet WorkingSet, BuildOptions Options, FileReference WriteOutdatedActionsFile, ILogger Logger, Boolean bSkipPreBuildTargets, String ActionTypeFilter) in E:\UE\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 415
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.ExecuteAsync(CommandLineArguments Arguments, ILogger Logger) in E:\UE\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 255
at UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.Main(String[] ArgumentsArray) in E:\UE\UE_5.5\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:line 687
WriteFileIfChanged() wrote 605 changed files of 605 requested writes.
[ 0.000]
[ 0.000](+1203.392) <unknown>
The specific error in question:
R:\AHOY\AHOY\Plugins\VictoryBPLibrary\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public\VictoryBPFunctionLibrary.cpp(554): warning C4996: 'TArray<T,TSizedInlineAllocator<24,32,FDefaultAllocator>>::Pop': Pop with a boolean bAllowShrinking has been deprecated - please use the EAllowShrinking enum instead Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.
T=UWidget *
Looks like simply changing line 554 to this worked (haven’t actually checked the plugin, but the project builds at least.
Change line 554 from:
UWidget* PossibleParent = WidgetsToCheck.Pop(bAllowShrinking);
UWidget* PossibleParent = WidgetsToCheck.Pop(EAllowShrinking::No);
API Reference: