Rain Forest Scene

One of the Unreal Devs Network admins contacted the twitter admin for a rectification.
As being one of the admins, my apologies for this!
Ill be sure that the twitter admin loses 1 internet cookie! (I hope this wont be too harsh)

On an additional note, working on a lot of flora myself and being able to look at the shaders of this majestic forest is very valuable to me, thanks! :slight_smile:

Yes, i want use the the marketplace for this but i dont know if i can put free stuff there.If not there will be download link here at some point when iā€™m done with it.I also want to make some paid content, something really high quality that can be used in alot of different environments, like environment pack of some sort.Some of it maybe will be from this scene but i dont know yet.

So far the performance is quite good, 65-70+fps in full hd without any optimisations or LODā€™s on slightly undercloked GF770.

Iā€™ll try to build it myself first but i guess the results will be quite pathetic so iā€™ll cry for help here at some point. :smiley:

No need for apologies, mistakes happens. Dont take his internet cookies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for replying ICO_hr. I think you definitely should use the free release of this scene to demo and sell your art assets on the marketplace. They look fantastic. One thing I would like to see though is some interaction with the foliage - The bending of the trees and leaves as the player runs through them is a now days a requirement for immersion.

Haha, I had no part in this :P! Iā€™m flattered they got me confused though! Just tweeted a response to it.

Hey manā€¦the update of the trees looks absolutely gorgeous! Whats the polycount of these?^^ Looks like you have veeeeery small planes on them and quite a lot :smiley: And what size are the leaf textures for them? They also look extremely highrez.

Would be very interested to see what you showed for the grass for the trees as well :wink:

Keep up the amazing work!

I have to find how can do this.I know some games use simple geometry around the characters and vertex color to bend them but i currently i have no idea how to do this.

The big trees are from 4000 to 5000tri, i have also some small ones that are from 250-1200tri.Currently everything uses one 2k texture with different size branches,i use them depending how tall the trees are, basically like vertical level of detail if this make any sense, smaller branches are used closer to the ground which require more planes, the big planes with more leaves in it are mostly used for the internal part of the tree and on the top where i dont need the illusion for individual leaves that much.Iā€™m still experimenting with this, iā€™ve made so far more than 20 tree models and i constantly scrap them, so i guess at some point the trees in the last screenshot will be re-done also because iā€™ll come up with better way of building them.

Hey man,

thanks for the explanation! Mind showing the untextured tree so I can get a better impression of what you described? :slight_smile: (like just the mesh in max with a grey material and wireframe turned on) Regarding foliage movement (wind) and foliage bending because of player collisionā€¦check out the Pivot Painter demo map Epic provides! That is some ******* neat stuff in there that looks absolutely gorgeous :wink: BTWā€¦Ulrich TĆ¼mmler here on these forums already built the ā€œgrass moves away from playerā€ shader and also posted a breakdown if I remember correctly. Just search for his name and you should find it :wink:

Keep up the work and cheers!

Iā€™ve left the vertex color so the meshes to be more readable. :slight_smile:

Wow manā€¦thanks a lot! This looks very good! :slight_smile:

Hi, great work!

You said in another thread that you no longer use Subsurface color, what do you do instead? Does that mean you arenā€™t using the Subsurface material type and are instead using Default Lit now?

Yes, Default Lit without SubSurfaceColor.

This is the shader iā€™m currently using.TwoSidedSign node is faking the SubSurfaceColor, it renders the geometry exactly the same on both sides.In the Specular network removes the specular from the backside of the planes.

Looks absolutely amazing, keep it up!

One question:

Do you modelled for the whole foliage HighPolys?
And when you got your HighPolys done, you bake it to a Plane, then you use a Plane to make it a lowpoly with 1 or 2 Edgeloops, right?

But how do you textured the whole foliage?
Max gives onyl one color or an gradient :wink:

So what are you using to fill your baked planes with color? :stuck_out_tongue:

Or are you using Photonormals?
So there is no HighPoly ?

Blown awayā€¦speechless!! Fantastic forest scene thank you for sharing your incredible work!

Frankly , donā€™t know what to say else :expressionless:

Wow. Really pretty scene! Amazing work! So nice to see such beautiful nature scenes in UE4 lately.

Very nice, keep up the good work

That looks great! Nice materials.

Simply stunning! I canā€™t believe I missed this all this time. =O

Beautiful work. Keep it up!