Ragdoll falling through floor and detaches from Capsule

Hi, I am trying to make the ragdoll on my character behave properlly however it keeps falling through the floor. I trigger the ragdoll with a key input but it looks like the mesh get detatched from the capsule component on my character.
(similar to this question)

I do use SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics and I do have a Root bone on my skeleton. But even if I start from the hips it doesnt work.

I must be doing something wrong because even if the mesh detaches from the capsule, shouldn’t the ragdoll still collide with the floor?

thanks in advance

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Hi . Try the following: in your Character Blueprint, go to Components and select the mesh. In the Collision Menu, change the Collision Presets to Ragdoll. I had the same problem and it worked. Honestly, I am new in UE4 and I absolutely don’t know why it works and if it is really the best method. But now my character collides with the floor :slight_smile: But if somebody else knows a cleaner solution, it would be really appreciated.

Let me know if it worked for you


Thanks for this. Worked Marco81

Thanks worked for me.
I am Bit worried that long term this will create some character problems as it is set to a default Ragdoll state. Any input on this?

For me this solution worked on mobile preview but not on actual device. Used to collide all my ragdolls but now for some reason only one or two collide. All other fall through thw floor even after trying this fix.

How I fixed mine. For the skeletal mesh, the default settings are: Collision Presets - CharacterMesh & Collision Enabled - QueryOnly (No Physics Collision) (greyed out). So to fix it in blueprints: Set Collision Enabled - Collision Enabled (Querry and Physics) OR Physics Only (No Querry Collision) + Set Simulate Physics True (or something to that effect in C++). Then it doesn’t fall through the floor.

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If you don’t want to change the Collision Preset of your character mesh permanently for ragdoll to work, then just call Set Collision Enabled function when you’re activating ragdoll, with Query and Physics selected:

真是久远的提问,我发现了这个问题的原因,这是解决办法:这里遁地是因为rootBone的物理资产没有碰撞,因此在ragdoll期间rootBone是一直下坠的,退出ragdoll模式的时候mesh会自动传送到rootBone的位置。解决方法是只simulate根骨之外的骨骼物理,使用set all bodies below simulate physics并且取消勾选include self