Ragdoll decreases its gravity

When the player dies, I put the pawn in ragdoll mode, as it can be seen in a lot of games. But the ragdoll falls much slower than the player did before its death, and I can’t find the reason for it. What could cause my problem? Is there any fix without tuning the gravity scale manually?

This is what happens on death:

Most of the time, the Linear Damping in the Physics Asset is > 0.
It reduces the velocity of movement.

Reduce the Linear Damping and the ragdoll will fall faster.

Found a solution.
My ragdoll was very slow when it would simulate physics.

I fixed this by opening the “Physics Asset” and changed the MassInKg to a high number, the Linear Damping to .01 and the Angular Damping to 0.

please tell me how you made a post without a version tag