I need to spawn a character that when it spawns it will be allowed to move within a radius of where it spawned, but I want it to move on a clock randomly within this radius! If someone could help that would be great!,
Do you mean to confine the pawn so it can travel anywhere inside of a circle, or make it so the pawn can only travel on the outer rim of the circle and not cross over the middle?
I see a couple of ways:
- Do the math needed each tick to teleport the character to the closest point on the outside of the circle if he is about to leave it.
- Put a a hollow cylinder mesh (collision set to “use complex as simple” on the asset) at the spawn point. Make it super tall so they can never jump out. Check the cylinder’s Hidden In Game checkbox.
I mean anywhere inside the circle mean its confounded to that space around where it originally spawned
I get what you mean on the 2nd one but how would I set it to hit collision with a box or something, and tell it to turn around to move to a different spot within the radius!
Wait why do you want it to move around? If it moves around then the character will always be in the middle of it and never be blocked by it so it might as well not be there.
This is a type of AI, But I’m trying to do this without AI. I am wanting a monster to move in a radius of where it spawns and not just walk around the map without a area that its confined to. I want the middle of the monster not my character!
Oh you want to keep the monster from leaving the area. for encounter design.
I believe there is a blueprint node called get Random Point Within Radius or something like that.
You can just tell him to go to that, and then when he is very close to it, pick another spot within the same radius and walk to that, etc. etc. so he roams around without ever leaving the area.
This is what I have so far! The Box Variable is a box collision attached to a box as the spawn area. I’m trying to spawn the character then make it move in the radius of where it spawns. There is a randompointwithinradius node but not sure on how I’m to use it!
I have no experience with AI yet, but can’t you tell the creature to MoveTo one of those random points? And then if it gets very close to the point, tell it to do it again? There’s a MoveTo node, but I think it only works on a Navmesh. You want to do this without a Navmesh or does it matter?