Radial turn radius when circular stick input

I’m currently attempting to replicate the behavior that occurs when I manipulate the analog stick in a circular motion like the example shown bellow from TLoZ Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom. What I’m trying to determine is if there’s a method to establish a smoother turn radius or scale, rather than the movement feeling abrupt, unless it’s a completely horizontal or vertical stick input.

Example video and image:

Hey @FabiPhins!

What you are looking for here is motion matching. Check out the documentation for the new experimental built in solution here:

Though built in, the plugin is still experimental, so you may want to find a different motion matching solution in the time being than the built in solution

I hope the above leads you to the solution you are looking for!

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Hey @FabiPhins!

Checking in! Was the above the solution you were looking for? Are you still having issues with your movement?

Sorry to reply so late but I thought I did reply a couple days ago but it appears that I did not!
So, I basically found a better solution for what I am trying to implement without heavy usage of new tools, still I need to figure out how to do so.

My idea is that if the stick or keyinput is faster than a certain threshhold, the character only turns as if I am turning it at a slowler rate, basically anything above a certain turn rate, will still only be translated to that set treshhold.

So what I am asking now, how would I implement that?

Fabian F.