Radial menu dont set correct Input Prompts when another local player is connected

I have a blueprint with radial menu where i can set Input for Abilities. But, if i change ability input and then connect another player using CreateLocalPlayer, the radial menu shows Input Prompts only for second player. Let me show you:

The problem

Here i set ability with only one player:

Then, i added second player:

And now there is default binds that came from second player:

When i set the ability input again, it shows also on second player:

But input is firing as standart action for player 2

Here how i open menu in player controller:

And code of this node

UCommonActivatableWidget* UCommonLayersSubsystem::PushWidgetToLayer(FGameplayTag Tag,
	TSubclassOf<UCommonActivatableWidget> WidgetClass)
	auto Layer = Layers.Find(Tag);
	if (Layer)
		auto Widget = Layers[Tag]->AddWidget(WidgetClass);
		return Widget;
	return nullptr;

UCommonActivatableWidget* UCommonLayersSubsystem::PushWidgetToLayer_ForPlayer(APlayerController* OwningPlayer,
	FGameplayTag Tag, TSubclassOf<UCommonActivatableWidget> WidgetClass)
	if (!ensure(OwningPlayer) || !ensure(WidgetClass))
		return nullptr;
	UCommonActivatableWidget* Widget = PushWidgetToLayer(Tag, WidgetClass);
	return Widget;

Widget event graph:

Gather abilities function

Function to bind keys:

Button Ability Mappings:

So, i fixed this problem by splitting widget and logic into component and widget

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