Build Type: Binary
Version: Version: 4.12.5-3039270+++UE4+Release-4.12
RadialExponentGradial not displaying correctly on mobile (VR). Instead of being a nice radial gradient it has a hard cutoff between two colors.
Hardware: Galaxy S7 + Gear VR consumer
Attached files: A picture of what it looks like in the editor, oculus rift and previews and a txt containing the material. I am unable to provide a screenshot of what it looks like in VR/mobile, but imagine the black and the red with no gradient what so ever. Black canvas with red circle.
Hi Eirinn,
Can you post the full specs for the Galaxy S7 that you have. Specifically needing to know what chipset is being used by the device.
From what I understand there have been some issues related to the firmware/drivers related to the Mali and Snapdragon’s that is waiting on Samsung to resolve.
Also, does this only happen in the GearVR or happen in a normal Android project as well?
Thank you!
It’s a European (Danish) S7. Unsure how to check the chipset fully updated Oculus/GearVR and OS. I haven’t checked a normal android project since it’s a VR only project we’re making.
Can you post the model number of the phone? With this I can see the specs for the phone.
This appears to be an issue only on the S7 Mali devices that we tested. I’ve entered UE-34156 for this to be tracked.
Thank you!