Radial Force to Ignore Locally Controlled Player

How can I make the Radial Force of my Projectile to ignore the Character that is firing the Projectile?

If I shoot at my feet the Character will start to float because of the impact… I just want to disable the Radial Force for the locally controlled Pawn, but to interact with other Pawns spawned on the map.


Depends if the projectile only created from player then its easy you just do a cast for the player(from Other in the event) and on fail you fire the impulse, if mobs can create the projectile as well you need to save the reference of the creator of the projectile on spawn and then check if the Other is not equal to the creator.

I’ve tried setting the owner of the projectile to Player Character 0 when he is firing the projectile

Then on the Projectile BP, I did a check on Event Hit if “is the owner of projectile” then don’t fire the impulse

But it seems it’s not working, it always fire the impulse when I shoot at my own feet

You checking My Component when you need to check Other(other actor that is).

It still does the same thing.

Heres a video for you to see better whats happening: