I am having a problem with radial damage not always working. You can see in the image that the debug sphere, which has the same size and center as the radial damage, clearly cuts through the mesh - and easily cuts through the collision of the mesh.
If I go more to the center of the mesh I want to hi, it applies. But if I hit it at the outer rims, it doesn’t work.
Not only in this particular case, there’s a lot of instances where damage just won’t apply :\
Any clues?
Hi ,
Try adding a sphere collision component around your ship mesh, are you able to apply damage when this is done or do you still experience an error in which no damage is applied?
Hello ,
Yes, adding a sphere collision around the ship mesh generates a 100% damage hit ratio. What I observed is that the damage won’t actually apply on the original collision due to the damage radius not being close enough to the center of the collision shape - does that make sense? Because I only experience problems if the radial damage is not close to the center of the ship.
Thank you!
What collision settings are you using on the actor? I tested this on my end and “Use Complex as Simple” collision seems to produce the overlap even if it is not near the center of the actor.
You can see here the settings. It’s an automatically generated collision mesh from UE. I wouldn’t use complex as simple due to performance reasons, but I will try and see if the result changes.
Just tried complex as simple and it reacts the same.
As a note - if I apply damage on the same impact event generated for the radial damage node, it works.
Also worth mentioning I’m having this exact problem with fractured, destructible meshes. If they only get touched towards their sides, nothing happens. And I’m applying 1000 damage to them, with their break point being at just 1.
I do have a question for destructibles in particular - how can I get the hit fractured component/piece and apply damage at least to that if radial damage won’t work?
And a big thank you for putting up ![:smiley: :smiley:](https://d1ap1mz92jnks1.cloudfront.net/images/emoji/twitter/smiley.png?v=12)
This is actually happened since 4.10 when I started the project.
If you select your blueprint, do you have it set to generate overlap components? Specifically, check your meshes details pane to see if it is set to generate overlap components. If not, set this to true and try firing your sphere overlap again.
I’ve attached the settings used on the pawn model. If you mean multi body overlap, I tried it and same results. Sphere cuts clearly through and no damage for radial type.
I’ve also set this up for the projectile, the multi body overlap. The settings for the projectile can be seen here.
Again, same problem for ALL radial damage in game. If it doesn’t seem to capture the actor’s scene root, it doesn’t apply. It’s especially confusing when trying to destroy destructible actors, as it doesn’t always capture the individual components’ center
Do you have a sample project this is occurring in I can take a look at? I’ll be happy to dig in and see what may be going on.
Hi ,
We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.