Radar / mini map

hey guys. im building a simple radar for a game and i followed the shooter tutorial seen here: UE4 Tips: Plug and Play Radar | Shooter Tutorial

but i think there must be an engine version incompaitibility now since i followed it to the letter but you get a red flag error about a function return node returning nothing from an array.

when i create an array i cant add the objects i want to show up in the radar so maybe thats the issue.

can anyone point me in the direction of a working radar design?

Unreal Engine 4 - Mesh-Based UMG Compass! [Source Code Included] - YouTube is probably the best one I’ve seen with source code provided - SMeshWidget - Hardware Instanced Slate Meshes Thread - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

there is also the solution on the marketplace but it uses render targets

also, about your existing solution, if you are adding objects to an array, make sure you do an “is valid” check whenever you try and access that array, as if they get destroyed, querying that element will cause an error. you can also remove that item if it becomes invalid (keep ind mind this will probably have a big performance cost if you dont manage it well)

That link to the youtube video is not a radar, it’s a compass. Not even close to the same thing.