I’m trying to create something like the Valkyrie’s cameras from Rainbow Six Siege, where I spawn it and press a comand to possess. I already created the spawn thing for them. The problem now is how to possess the cameras, since the only way I found was in the level blueprint, but for this the camera need to be in the level already so I can create the reference.
How can I possess the camera pawn only after spawn it?
is the camera a pawn or is it just a camera actor?
if its a pawn and you want to posses it then you would drag off the return pin of the spawn actor node and then plug that into a posses node. to get the posses node you will probably need to get a reference to the player controller first.
if its just a camera actor and you want the players view to switch to the new camera then you will want to use a view target blend. again i think you will need a reference to the player controller then you will need a set view target with blend node (i think thats the name i dont have the engine open atm).
in either case its pretty simple. below ill link a video on switching cameras.
Thank you for the answer, ThompsonN13.
The câmera is a pawn. I tried to do this, but doesn’t work.
What i’m trying to do is, for example, the player go to a room and place a câmera there (as if he is a spy), then, go to another room where there is a tv where he cam watch the câmera.
I know I could do it placing all the câmeras, so I’ll have the pawn reference for level blueprint and use “set visibility” to make then appear in the room, but the freedom that the player would have to place the cameras would be limited.