Quixel Megascans not appearing in the library?

I recently downloaded Twinmotion 2022.1.2 and noticed that my quixel megascan library is completely empty. The folders themselves are visible, but none of the assets appear for me to download.

I am signed in to my Epic account and was able to access the quixel scans in Twinmotion 2021 without issue.

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Hello ,

Thank you for contacting us regarding this issue and there are some issues sometimes where the library file/assets gets corrupted and then assets are no longer visible to place or download.

In order to fix this you will need to delete the QuixelCloudLibrary.tml file located here: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Twinmotion2022.1\QuixelCloudLibrary\CloudLibrary

Please note that all assets already downloaded will have to be redownloaded before using them again.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.


I had a lot of Surfaces and 3D Plants from Megascans library downloaded. And now I see them missed and the folder is empty.

Do you know why it happened? it took a long time to download all of them))

Is there any way to download Quixel library with one click?

Thank you so much, that seems to have fixed the issue!

I am having the same issue, but this solution did not work for me. Are there other solutions I should try? I have several renders that needed props from the Megascans library that are strangely no longer available in the library.

Hello ,

Sorry to hear this did not help you. Please close Twinmotion then delete the entire folder QuixelCloudLibrary and re-open Twinmotion. I believe that should resolve it.

You can check the path in Twinmotion in the preferences to make sure you are deleting the right folder in case you changed it from the default location.

Screenshot 2022-04-22 155307

Hope this helps if not you may have to contact us directly so we can better investigate.

Please follow this link to report a bug: https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/case-community-page

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

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Unfortunately that did not solve the problem either. I have submitted a bug report.

Hello ,

Thank you for contacting us and that seem like it is the same problem as mentioned in the discussion above. The problem happens when you have a corrupted library elements.

In order to fix this you will need to delete the QuixelCloudLibrary.tml file located here: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Twinmotion2022.1\QuixelCloudLibrary\CloudLibrary

Reference this article: https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/article/Missing-Quixel-or-Skydome-Assets-in-Library-Menu

You will have to redownload the assets needed. You can select more than one element in a folder and press download to have several downloaded at once. Please keep in mind downloading a lot will slow down opening and closing Twinmotion. Every month a lot of assets are added to the Quixel library.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

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