When I download any 3D plant I got a "download error. please retry" All other Quixel assets download fine: surfaces, decals and 3D assets.
I deleted the .tml file under this folder to see if that would help and same issue: \\chfs.sh.shive-hattery.com\USERS\mgrivetti\Documents\Twinmotion2022.2\QuixelCloudLibrary\CloudLibrary
I can see the assets are downloading to the folder, all textures variants and LOD's are there but still getting the error. I get the same issue on older versions but currently running the latest
Normally, this issue occurs when there's a sign-in or connection issue to a remote service. One thing to try is to close Twinmotion, then sign out of the Epic Games Launcher and restart the Launcher, then run the Launcher and sign back in. Once you do this, try launching Twinmotion, checking to see if you're signed in in the File or Burger menus. If so, try downloading the assets again.
If that doesn't work, try navigating to the \\chfs.sh.shive-hattery.com\USERS\mgrivetti\Documents\Twinmotion2022.2\ folder and deleting the QuixelCloudLibrary, TwinmotionCloudLibrary, and Config folders. Make sure Twinmotion is not running when you do this. Once done, try launching Twinmotion and checking if the issue is resolved.
Something else to try would be to check to see if any network traffic is being blocked from any of Twinmotion's remote services outlined in the Twinmotion Requirements for remote services article. In particular, make sure Quixel's services aren't being blocked, but some other services may also impact download errors. If you're on a company network, you may need to have your IT group check to see if any traffic is being blocked.