Quixel Login

I know this has been asked. Forgive me…I’ve already checked the other forums and not found the answer. Why can’t I login to quixel through ue5?
Others have said to delete a certain folder under User-AppData-Bridge, but I do not have that folder.
Every other forum on this topic ends without a resolved response.

As I try to login to quixel bridge through ue5, it says login failed. What is the solution to this? Kind of crazy that so many people have this problem and there doens’t seem to be any official solution to it before constanlty searching for hours to find an answer.

Hey, I’m having the same issue too.
My is just crashing everytime I try and sign in.

I’ve searched high and low for an asnwer. the files don’t exist on mine Mac as well,
all the help I am seeing is for Windows, which is understandable. As soon as I see an asnwer I’ll send it to you as well, This as really F***’ed up my workflow, I’ve spent a good 5 days looking for asnwers.

Hey did you manage to get this fixed?