Quixel "Environments" file organization is not very user friendly, missing many FBX files

I’ve just downloaded the “Warehouse” environment: Fab

Upon unzipping the downloaded file, I was surprised to find that the contents are not organized in a human-readable way. Here’s what the contents look like:

If you’re looking for a specific model, you’ll just have to open each folder, and open the FBX in a 3D modelling program to see what it is. In some cases you might be able to figure it out by looking at one of the textures, but it’s not always easy to tell from a texture what the model is.

I also noticed that many of the FBX files are missing. For example, in the screenshot I posted, the first 11 folders only contain textures, but no FBX files. Many other folders are similarly missing their FBX files.

I’m not sure if the Environments are meant as a convenient way to download many models at once, or if they’re just meant as a demo or something? But currently they don’t seem like a very convenient way to work with the content.

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Thanks for your report! We’ll be sure to look into this for you.

@DanGoyette , were you by any chance downloading these assets to use in UE? If so, please try using the integrated Fab plugin. You can find more information here.

Hello, is there any equivalent to that tool or some way to view these files for a Unity project? I just downloaded the African Slate Quarry FBX package and its impossible to find models unless I want to dedicate time organizing all of them.

Here is a Python script that will copy all the FBX files in all the subfolders and place them in a new folderhttps://github.com/stash8/FAB_FBX_Organizer/tree/main

An easy way to relink textures is to use Blender with the built-in node wrangler (ctr shift T) and it auto-attaches the materials. You still have to do it for each model but it’s better than manually doing it.

Import files into Unity
Save the file as a .blend
File > External Data > Pack Resources
File > External Data > Unpack Resources and choose the option to create new if needed
This puts the texture file with the .blend file
Import the .blend file into Unity and all material should be attached.