Quixel Bridge unavailable

(I haven’t found a forum for UE5 but i think it is ok asking this here)
I tried installing the quixel brdige plugin from epic games launcher and withing the dropdown i get 2 options but they are exactly the same.

When I go to the quixel bridge on marketplace it says unavailable.

I verified the engine version within the dropdown and checked that there are no plugins already installed.

Also, when I hover over the exclamation mark, it says “No compatible engine installed” but as you can see from the screeshots i provided, my engine Unreal Engine 5.0.0 (the latest one)

Does anyone have a solution?

Same here!

Same here ! I tried everything I could. I still wonder why we have 2 5.0EA in the dropdown …
I noticed that some of my projects has 5.0 and some has 5.0EA in the “overlay”
Those with 5.0 has been created using the “copy” when opening a 4.26 project using UE5.
Those with 5.0EA has been created using the traditionnal flow of creating new project.

I have the same problem. After I installed the latest version of UE EA2, the engine would crash every I to open Quixel Bridge. And I uninstalled everything about unreal engine, even epic games launcher, but the problem is still there. The Quixel Bridge in market store is unavailabel, when I try to reinstall it manually.

You got quixel bridge with an exe, i found my exe while i was having a similar problem so i clicked on it and it installed the latest update of quixel bridge, so then once you do that you just have to verify your engine again and double check if the plugin is ok and it should probably work. It would also be good to update windows, restart your computer, update your antivirus (if you have one. e.g avast) , restart, do a virus scan, then update any other major software you have, and restart. That will solve like 99% of problems you will ever have lol.