Quixel Bridge integration incredibly laggy

Hey there is something that has been annoying me lately and it’s the Quixel bridge integration for UE5. Its stupidly laggy heres a video.

I have also tried using the other version (The one you download from quixels site)
But i’m assuming its made for 4.27 downwards as I keep getting this error

Screenshot 2023-10-25 203328
Unreal is running and the plugin is installed but won’t work. Anyone else have this problem or a solution.

Nothing wrong on your side. I’ve been reporting it repeatedly on Quixel forum over the years, and they just flat out refuse to acknowledge the issue exists. Sometimes they claim they’ve reproduced it, other times that it doesn’t happen, but they show no interest in fixing it as it would probably mean changing the GUI framework they chose and they are too far invested in it.

This is so annoying, I’ve got the same issue and Quixel runs like crap on i5-13600k

Bump. Any updates?? UE staff?

I’ve been also bashing my head with this problem and I found a solution on my end. Don’t know if it will affect everyone.

For me I disabled Volumetric Clouds layer and bridge suddenly becomes smooth. Turn it on and it’s lagging like in your video, completely unusable.

So give it a try with just turning off the Volumetric Clouds layer.

I’m also getting this problem. Did anyone ever find a fix? I tried limiting fps to 60 as suggested by another user but it didn’t fix it. I’m on a 4090.