Quixel Bridge does not show sign in options

Hey everyone,

I’ve used Quixel Bridge for megascans extensively in the past. I’ve installed the newest version of UE5–5.4.3 at the moment–and have tried using them again, but I’ve encountered an impassable issue.

I need to sign in to be able to download scans, but the login pop-up window that shows up when you click the Sign In option on Quixel Bridge stays blank in a black screen, forever.

At first, when I tried to sign in, the login window loaded properly. But when I tried signing in with my Epic Games account, it required me to insert my password again and it had been such a long time since I used it that I forgot it. I tried a few times unsuccessfully and then I had to reset my password. Once I did this, I restarted Epic Games Launcher again, entered UE5, and tried to sign in, but this time the pop-up window just would not load.

I tried deleting Quixel Bridge folders, uninstalling the plugin and reinstalling it again from the Vault, and even verifying the integrity of the engine itself. Nothing contributed, and the Login pop-up is still a blank black screen.

I then dowloaded Bridge, the application, and there I managed to log in using my Epic account just fine, but when I try to export an asset to Unreal Engine from it, I get the following error:

But Unreal Engine is running, and the error continues even after restarting both applications.
I have ran out of options now. If I can just see the login form on the pop-up, I’m certain I’ll be able to continue from there, but I can’t seem to do that.

Nothing has changed between the form loading and not loading beside me attempting to login unsuccessfully a few times and then changing my password. This does not justify the login form not loading. I also tried deactivating anything that might be blocking the loading, such as anti-viruses and firewalls, to no avail.

Can anyone help me with this? It’s getting very frustrating.

EDIT: The Quixel Bridge app, which is external to UE5, installed version 4.26 of its own plugin, which seems incompatible with UE5. That’s probably why the export from it isn’t working, but there are no other options of plugin versions from within it. I can only install the proper version from the UE5 vault, which is the default version it creates upon installation of the engine… the same version that is not revealing the login form to me.

The problem seems to have sorted itself out. At some point, the page just randomly started loading again. My only assumption is that the repeated attempts had somehow caused it to freeze loading and, after some time, it just reset so that I could attempt again.