When running in standalone mode as I get close to the plant it turns gray, like no texture/material (in New edit window or on the editor there is no problem). Same for the rocks from Quixel Bridge.
Far plants, rocks are fine.
Looked everywhere, all kind of things to change nothing worked.
Anyone had this problem?
Hey there @ctalmeida! This usually occurs when still preparing the shaders for the plants at their highest LOD. Does this still occur while standing next to them after a couple minutes if it’s stalling?
I let it run for many minutes still the same. Same problem if package the run then .exe.
Most plants/rocks will do that only on the highest LOD, one or 2 of them for all LODs.
It happen days ago the same thing, the map had very few plants then I deleted all megascans and then put back in the project, it worked, now the problem is back, but I had lots of changes done, do not want to restart everything and that happen again.
Still no answer on this problem.
I then delete all the megascan folder, deleted the MSPresets folder, delete the folder where the bridge does the downloads.
Download one at a time, added to project one at a time and used the foliage one at a time.
For now is working, hope does not break again as I have no clue what causes that.
Interesting! In the logs, were you getting any TextureStreamingPool errors? It’s possible that it you may have clipped the high end (as in my opinion the defaults are low for high resolution textures).
Sorry, just saw that now.
No, I did not see any error messages about TextureStreamingPool.
Is all working now.
Hope stay that way.
I got another strange error that I will make a new post for it.