Dear Epic,
This message is by no means designed to insult Epic Games and/or any programs descending from them or any employees who may work there. But as an Indie Dev who has big dreams of working on big projects, this news comes at a time as bad as any. This change where we now have to pay for something I was under the impression of that would remain free (pardon my misunderstanding of the phrasing but it comes as misleading especially since these programs are all intertwined).
Unreal Engine will remain free to use for students, educators, hobbyists, and companies generating less than $1 million in annual gross revenue. We are not changing our licensing model for game developers, who will continue to pay a 5% royalty on products that exceed $1 million in lifetime gross revenue. The first $1 million that a game generates is exempt from royalties, and revenue earned through the Epic Games Store is exempt from overall royalty calculations, just as it is today.
Now I am aware it never says anything about Quixel or “Fab” but it feels very misleading considering it says not changing the licensing model for game developers, which was very reassuring for an indie developer such as myself knowing that I wouldn’t have to pass up hundreds to make a game I wanted.
So, I ask why this change has been made? And why there are no alternate plans for small dev studios and solo developers, and if there are, what are they?
Paying for this seems to break up the whole point for programmers who can’t build models such as myself and can’t afford to buy them. Would this not be better fit to be free for indie developers to encourage people to work on your platform who can’t afford expensive programs? And why not just make future assets cost money, not existing?
And what of the marketplace, are you removing that? What will happen to the monthly freebies and massive community?
I simply ask that you provide us with more elaborate details and possible pricing plans.
I write this letter to you with my sincerest regards. Please consider my request. Thank you.