Quick unoptimized solution to Mesh not rotating beyond -90/90 on pitch (with button press)

We have 2 cones, both rotate on button press by a player and both are separate blueprints.

Red cone does not rotate beyond 90/-90 degrees on pitch, and has this blueprint:

Green cone does rotate beyond 90/-90 degrees on pitch, and has this blueprint:
(Sequence is connected to EVENT TICK) ← its not visible on picture.

Notice that green cone has a RotatingMovement component and RotationRate variable with default value -100.
In FirstPersonCharacter blueprint it only has a 2 bool variables to set variable Apressed on TRUE if its pressed or FALSE if its released, same for D button.
This is “final” result, but just a picture since i dont know how to create a video of full rotation.

Blueprint for green cone can be simplified, but i needed fast solution for my project, so i made something “squishy”…
Hope it helps, cus it worked for me.

If you want to have any control over the moment apart from go/stop, Id avoid that rotation component.

Much better off with timelines.

Why is one cone so much more complicated than the other?