Quick Question

When switching weapons do you switch the skeletal mesh? Ex: Having a primary and a secondary or more?

Yeah, swapping meshes works pretty well, but you can also hide/show them.

No. Switching only the skeletal mesh wouldn’t be good. Because every weapon should have its own logic don’t you think? Like fire rate etc. Just turn the unused Weapon to invisible and the used to visible.

I personally have a Bone on the skeleton of each kind of weapon held by the Character (Rifle, Pistol, Heavy etc) and the equip/unequip animation simply moves that bone to ‘equipped’ or unequipped back to its original holster position.
As for swapping meshes, I have a different actor for each weapon, and in blueprints attach them to the correct bone socket when equipped, this allows for different kinds of pistols / rifles etc but the character can only have one at a time.

This will work fine for this but next time around I think I will do things a little differently, falling back on the more popular ‘socket on the hand’ method.