When you apply a custom Game Mode, Hud, etc. Blueprint in your project, does it automatically search for an imported Character import? Because I was trying to install a Hud for my project and everytime I do this (i have made copies of my level) the default character is seperated from the character so when I press play, I start in first person mode and have the mobile capabilities similar to Creative mode in Minecraft. I can send screen shots of my hud blueprint if needed. it’s always something new everyday with this learning curve.
It seems when I created a new hud blueprint the playercameramanager, player controller, skysphere, atmospheric fog, global post process, and default pawn are no longer found in any blueprint when I ran a search.
I’ve bumped this once already and I’m gonna bump it again. I just need to know how to convert the default character back to its original settings (animation, camera, etc.) because I haven’t had a chance to bring our character in yet, because I’m waiting on the artist to finish him up. but until then I need something to test out the blueprints I’ve designed and the objects i have imported for the level design aspect.
search for world settings and project settings->Maps and Modes.
thats what I thought,but, I have done this already. i read that I can import replacement default characters. I think I will import another sample character for now, and then reanimate the character so that I have something to work with. Here is a picture of my settings just to make sure I might have missed something.
default gamemode does nothing, you’d have to create one anyway. expand selected game mode to assign the other base classes.
also tried the setting Global Default Server Game Mode to Default as well and my character was still detached from my third person camera and my character was gone in general (default character that is)
well, I did say you need to create a new GameMode BP, and after assign it you can select the grayed out ones.