Questions on how to make a working UI

Hello all.

I’ve stumbled across a tutorial on YouTube about making a basic UI for Ark. Nothing special, just an information panel really. Worked fine in Ark DevKit, but cooked and thrown on the server, did absolutely nothing. I’d love to get it working on the server, or if I did something wrong, be pointed in the right direction on how I would make a new UI. Essentially I need it to pop up when I press a particular button, and that’s really it.

If anyone has any good tutorials or knowledge on making these, I have very little experience with UnrealEngine but I would love to know.


To do this, your mod will be unstackable, is that what you want?


What do you mean exactly, is there no way I can make it stackable with any other mod?

You want a keypress to trigger the UI opening, yes? In doing so, the mod will need to be first in the load order - rendering any other mod that needs to be first inactive.

What you want it to do, determines how you go about doing it.