questions about the order of SpawnActor in dedicated server;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==

i tested with 2 clients in dedicated server. The Character will print their Role in their BeginPlay Event.

it seems to be that the Character whose Role is AutonomousProxy is always generated first.

when i tested with 5 clients, the same result.

is there any reason? is there any order among SpawnActor???

if the server Spawn multiple Actor in order, will the client Spawn them in the same order?

thanks a lot if someone could help me!!!

Logs get pushed to the top, so it is the opposite. They were “generated” later. To be honest, all I see is Server created - > Client 1 connected -> Client 2 connected.

Have a look at the creation process of Client 1 .
The Character whose Role is AutonomousProxy is created first, and the Character whose Role is SimulatedProxy is created later. i tried with 5 or more clients, and the Character whose Role is AutonomousProxy is always created first.

is there any reson? this is what i’m asking.