Just fishing for some direction on where in Unreal (ideally) I might be able to do these kinds of things:
1 - Transpose/remap/mirror animation? Since the skeleton model is symmetric (left/right hand, feet, etc), is it possible to somehow mirror the animation so that, for example, the animation is a step forward with the left-foot, it’s now a step-forward with the right foot? I imagine this would likely be better done outside of Unreal; would anyone have any direction on how to accomplish this? If this was the object-editor, I’d like to try and scale by -1 (for those that know), but in regards to animation…
2 - Is it possible to blend animations (like by bone, etc in an anim-BP) but output the result to a file? Ideally, if I have a few animations I can blend together via a anim-BP but would prefer to have the result as a standalone file, as a base-asset. Is it possible to stream such output to new file/asset?
3 - I’ve done some work where I can duplicate the root animation and run the playrate at -1. This turns a left-swing into a right-swing, for example. This works for some things but movements/stepping and whatnot is not always QUITE what I want. #2 could help me by blending out what I want, otherwise, I don’t see where I can attach a timeline to an animation? Say, if I wanted to speed up the beginning of that right-swing but keep the rest relatively the same; be able to stretch/compress the animation to make the reverse of the original look a little better. Is there a way to do this inside Unreal?
Overall, using market assets, I’ve found some ways to work around how things are pre-packaged, how to modify some things creatively, but #1 would effectively double my base animation-set and #2 would help de-convolute my codebase with some set/base assets.
And as always, to the community (and MostLikely MostHostLA), for any direction, thanks.
EDIT: I found animation composites but cannot seem to alter playback speed except to alter the base play-rate, which I do not want as it affects the entire animation. As well I DID see where I can add a curve, already named ‘Speed’ but it doesn’t seem to do anything…