Questions about Deserted: Domination Sample Project

  1. After creating the Desert Domination Sample project, I immediatly have some Verse classes failed to load.
    I managed to replace these devices and setup the references again according to the doucmentation and my guesses.
    Is there other way to fix it?

  2. I noticed that there is no folders used in the Outliner. All 6k actors are in the root folder together.
    I’m curious to know is there any reason to not use folders in Epic’s workflow?

  3. When the project is loaded, there is this error about hot fix in log. Should something be done to fix that? If so, how?

LogHotfixManager: Error: Only 156 of 158 assets were successfully patched from 'AssetHotfix' section in the Game .ini file. The patched assets will be forced to remain loaded. Any assets that failed to patch may be left in an invalid state!
  1. After the project is loaded, this warning message keeps spamming the log window. How to fix it?
LogContentStreaming: Warning: [T_Fire_01_D] Texture stream in request failed due to IO error (Mip 2-2).
LogContentStreaming: Warning: [T_Fire_01_D] Texture stream in request failed due to IO error (Mip 2-2).


@pto2k Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

Sorry but I don’t think I will do that.

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