“Questionable Ethics is a sci-fi inspired atmospheric environment, made using assets from Quixel Megascans, UE Marketplace and Sketchfab. I rendered it using UE 5.4.2 pathtracing. Everything you see is made completely inside UE5 with some touch ups done in photoshop and Lightroom.”
This is easily one of the coolest environments I’ve seen in a long time. It feels both industrial and full of vintage charm. Really cool way to collide two very different styles. Do you plan on creating a short film/game with this environment or was it more of a standalone project?
The general room design for this environment looks very scientifically comfortable. It may be a bit of a silly way to describe it but I can see people working on this portal lounging with tablets and notebooks in their hands as they continue to work. It’s a very different vibe than what one might expect in a pristine lab and I find it fun to explore! I’m very eager to see what designs and compositions you come up with moving forward.