To explain what I try to achieve.
AffectedTarget is variable that store actor which was hit with trace.
Even On Effect Appiled is called AFTER the variable was set inside C++ code, so I assume it store to proper value.
Later I try to get target health value (third node), and assign them the Original Health variable.
Later there is math which should reduce target health for 5 seconds and restore it to normal value.
The problem is while I check debugger in VS the health of the target remain unchaged.
My questions:
Do i trying to get value from actor in wrong way ?
Or maybe the AffectedTarget variable is actually null, and there nothing to get the value from in the first place ?
Which leads me to the last question. How do I preview BP variables values during gameplay ? It would make life much easier because I could just check what is going on.
Nevermind It works (the delay on function was actually do short to show in visual studio debugger proper values), but my third question remains. Is there a way to live preview values from BP variables while debugging blueprints ? It would probably save me from writing this post (;.