I have a situation where I’m switching between two different colors (red & green) each time the player uses the “E” key on the keyboard. However, I need each of those color states to return a value, like a bool, that can then be compared and if equal fire another event. How do I return a value out color states in this scenario?
Small tutorial or screenshots would be most helpful.
Thank you for your question. When you say you want a value “like a bool” is there anything it would need to do that a bool does not? If you have two colors, you could set the bool true for one and false for the other. You could use a NOT node to switch between the two each time.
Here is an example of an actor that’s component changes between two materials every time ‘E’ is hit, then triggers another event:
Please let me know if this helps. If not, please explain specifically what you are trying to accomplish and I will be happy to further assist.
I am new to game development and Unreal Engine 4. I am using version 4.6.1.
I have the same scenario but I have to do this using Combobox. I have added 3 elements namely Material 1, Material 2 and Material 3. If I select any options, the material should change accordingly. Any ideas or suggestions?
Is there any sample tutorials or blueprints for changing Combobox options?
Please help me solve this issue!