Question regarding the Quixel section of the "State of Unreal" presentation.

Hey all!
During the Quixel section the State of Unreal Keynote (21:30), they showed a war torn city intersection with destroyed buildings.
I couldn’t find these buildings in the 3D assets section of Megascans.
Are the buildings part of the 3D assets from Quixel, or were they maybe made in say 3ds max and the textures were from Quixel :man_shrugging:

The thought of drag and drop war torn buildings just tickles my imagination :laughing:

Thanks everyone :hugs:

Hey @kilo6our!

I checked with the artist who developed this scene for clarification. The models you’re seeing were built with the modeling and fracture tools within UE5. Megascans surface assets were used with some 3D models to support the designs, such as beams and shelves. Afterward, to put it in his own words, “Then it was a lot of box building, UVs, displacing, fracturing, deleting of chunks, boolean operations using jagged rocks and concrete scans, combination of assets into prefabs (packed level BP instances) etc. The rest is set dressing with everything I could find from rubble scans to pipes, even wooden boxes and so on. Again, all done in UE5, didn’t leave the engine once for that”

Going further, “the way I approached it was sourcing an open-source scan of a large multi-story building in multiple destruction phases and using that scan as base to build out different components. For all main “semi” modular parts (such as main floors, walls, support pillars) I had multiple versions at different destruction levels. From unbroken, cracked, all up to completely blown to bits. The construction in the end was kit bashing those modules with our other modular building scans (which also went through a lot of boolean operations to get them to fit). Then slapping thousands of decals on there to help integrate the pieces and covering everything not so nice looking with heaps of debris and foliage-painted rubble chunks.”

Wow, Jonathan. You actually contacted the artist to get me an answer?! :astonished:

Thank you, so much! I really appreciate you going above and beyond like that :clap:t2:


Sure thing - glad you’re happy!