Question Regarding Loop With A Delay To Load Data

Hi I was trying to cast to my player character within an actor BP when the level begins play.
I set up a loop with a 0.2 sec delay, just in case my player character’s spawned later than the actor itself, there’s a delay to try to get the casting completed, then moving forward the logic.
But somehow, the loop didn’t seem to work. My player character did spawn later than the actor, and the loop with delay did nothing from the look of it.
If I use Event tick then problem solved. But I try to avoid event tick as much as possible, so I want to find out what’s wrong with this setup. Can someone give me some help, hints?
Many thanks!!

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Something like this is fine, I have used it in fact.

I’m thinking that a null comes back from player character, and you just get an error ( try looking in the log for warnings ).


Ok, yes I do get a error like that. will try, thanks a lot!

Worked well, thanks again~

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