Question regarding 2.3.3.b standard 10cm grid for modular pieces.

Unreal Engine supports 2 types of grids, decimal (1, 10, 100cm) and power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, … 512cm).

I am working on making a modular blockout prototype kit that uses the 512cm x 512cm grid or using power of 2 grid size, as opposed to standard 10cm. Things are still sized appropriately for unreal skeleton and all that. But the whole point is to to maintain a certain ratio of 512x512cm pieces for UV/texture and blockout size. So a 512x512 floor tile would fit texture perfectly (textures of 512, 1024, 2048).

But it appears rule 2.3.3.b would prevent me from using the word ‘modular’ in my product? I don’t think it should disallow it, so long as it’s clear.

Even though the whole point of my product will be for the power of 2 grid. Thus won’t snap together on 10cm increments. But will need to be on power of 2 increments.

Does anyone know if this is an enforced guideline requirement or not? (So long as I am clear what the product is sized too)

2.3.3.b Products advertising modular use of their assets must have meshes that snap together cleanly on the standard 10cm grid.