Hi there!
I am a 3D designer and was interested in the Enterprise version of this product to create designs for my clients at their request.
I wanted to know if this is something I or they would have to pay royalties on.
For instance, if I design a cabinet for a client of mine who is an interior designer and I take her vision and make it 3D for her to propose to her client and they pay me money for this design, will royalties need to be paid?
UE wouldn’t really be the best thing for that; it would be great for setting up a scene to visualize said cabinet in a room, but it’s a game engine not modelling software.
I’ll let Epic answer on the legal issues; it sounds like you’re wanting to do architectural visualization (arcviz) so maybe look in the licensing agreement in those sections?
Based on your description, you will not owe royalties. You can review our Unreal Studio EULA here (Datasmith - Unreal Engine).
Section 1(A)(b) is relevant to you:
b. Distribution to Clients - You may Distribute the Engine Technology incorporated in object code (such as an application in executable form) format only as an inseparable part of a Studio Product to a single third party for which you specifically developed the Studio Product in exchange for consultation fees or work-for-hire fees (including fees paid on a time and materials basis) (a “Client”).