question on pickup and inspection system

So I went through these 3 tutorials:

and got the item grab and drop working good from first video. Then in a different project I got the inspect system working from the other 2. Im kind of stuck trying to implement them together. First my idea for my game is to make all objects in the game interactable with the player clicking E to pick up an object and attach it to physics handle and drop it anywhere, using the condition IfSimulatePhysics is true. BUt I also want in the same game for the player to be able to hit “k” , have the item zoom to close view and be able to rotate the item with mouse movement, as implemented from the last two videos. When I tried ran the level for inspecting items, static objects worked fine and came to view and i could rotate. However when I made the static mesh in the referenced ObjectInspection blueprint simulate physics, the object wouldnt zoom to view, just dangled down way below camera level. Because I do want all items to have physics and different mass levels and because my item pickup/drop has a condition of them using physics, Would it be better in my inspect blueprint to make it so that before the action of zooming to view, it removes physics, then when I hit “k” again and it sends it back to its original position, the script turns physics back on? If so, where in my blueprint(i have the same as the tutorials do) would I do this and can you even turn of the physics component of a static mesh using blueprints. Or is there a better way to combine the 2 systems into one? I know the inspect system disables character movement when the object zooms to the inspection location in front of the camera because it uses mouse movement to rotate the cube and we cant have the player moving with mouse movement at the same time. Is there a better way where it can zoom and still let the player move around and maybe use middle mouse wheel for pitch and yaw rotation of object, that way I can still let them drop the object anywhere yet still inspect as well?