Question on BP Spline Spawner HISM that comes with archviz template

Hi, I am struggling with having raytraced shadows when using a migrated Spllne Spawner BP (the one that comes with the archviz example level) on another project.
I guess is a simple setting I am overseeing.

I’m on 5.0.3 and when using the provided BP on other project, I have no shadows when using raytracing, neither the objects appear when using the path tracer.

When I use it in the provided archviz template, multiplying the same static mesh that I use in the new project, I have shadows indeed, and I see the level is using raytracing.

I have check all the components to be visible to raytracing, but with no luck.

I guess I am overseeing some setting on the project’s settings page, but I am having no luck when trying them.

Can you please helpe me with this issue?

Thanks indeed,