Question: It is possible for a Character, to collide with environment Cloth objects?

Edit: I’ve rephrased the question because probably wasn’t clear before.

What I want is to have some Curtains in the world and any character to collide with them, providing a more realistic interaction.

It is possible?
So far, I have a testing cloth that if is moved can collide agains Box Colliders (no other collider seems to work). But I have found that if the Box Collider is the one moving, it doesn’t collide against the piece of cloth.

Using U.E 4.19

A couple of things I’ve found.

  • Moving to 4.21 achieve better collisions.

  • Also, I found that there is a Collision With Environment check in the Cloth Section of the Object. But this only works if your object is in movement. I guess, because optimization, Cloth objects physics are only calculated if the object is in movement. So a possible “solution” will be to have a Trigger area. And when the player is close a timeline node moves the pieces of cloth very little (0.1 can do the trick) side to side, so the curtains collide with the player.

Still looking for better options.

Hey! I was wondering if you can specify where you found “Collision with Environment” check, and if it’s still in 4.25, honestly that would work for me, as I do not need it for stationary stuff. But for the life of me I cannot find it in the Cloth section of the skeletal mesh. Thanks!