Question: Is it easier/better to make a tunnel out of 4 landscapes or meshes?

Hi All

Would it be better for performance to have a lot of meshes to make up the 4 walls or 4 landscapes?


An entire level :eek:

SO I could bring in BSPs, telelate them, join them all together and export as 1 big mesh.

This is what I was playing

Well the best performance win would be a procedural tunnel using instanced meshes … 8-}

Failing that, doing what franktech will probably be your best solution. You could also try building the tunnel in sections … linking them together and then if you really have to export them as one model. Just be careful because 1 big model will not LOD properly (for obvious reasons) so rather keep them as separate meshes and set up the LODs properly.

No Idea how to do that :S

If I make it is sections, I could just make 20-30 little levels, and you walk through a particle system to get to the next level.

Okay … lets go back to the drawing board. What are you trying to achieve? What is your design goal with the tunnel?

Once we understand that, maybe we can help you more. 8-}


I was going to do a tunnel where it went deeper and deeper, Kinda like Journey to the centre of the earth for the old players out there.

I am happy to make a sewer system instead, or a catacomb.

I just watched a short video and can now make a procedural wall, but it all controller by me and not random, such as turns or T intersections.

Kinda like a dungeon crawler.


Making out of landscape is really quick and easy.

Just having problem with landscape - another topic.

This level took about 5-10 mins to make.


In hourences Solus videotutorials he explains how he did caves. One of the stuffs he shows, its some ground meshes that have a global UV for the sand texture, he places those one on top of the other, and as the material is on global coordinates, it looks seamless. You could try that for the floor, and stacking instanced rock meshes for the walls

Looks like everyone is going towards meshes.

Cheers for the replies