[Question] how rotate static meshes (like windmills) and how toggle cloth (like flags) as UDK?

Hello everyone! I would like to know how to find such easy functions from UDK on Rocket, easy to work. thanks in advance.

As rotating a simple static mesh and spice up a skeletal mesh with a bone.

Hi Jhosep,

Static Mesh rotation can now be easily handled with Blueprints (or with Matinee if you prefer). For the example of the Windmill, I would recommend making an Actor Blueprint with two StaticMesh Components (one component for the tower and one for the blade). Make sure the blade component is set to be Moveable, and then in the EventGraph create the following:


You could also do something similar in the Level Blueprint if you wanted to rotate a whole Actor.

As for your Cloth question, can you please provide more information for what you are trying to accomplish?


It works, thanks!

Of the cloth I mean this Unreal Development Kit Cloth Basics Tutorial Series Part 3 - UDK Tutorial - YouTube

Thanks for replying, was too useful. cheers!