Updated Post:
After resolving my original problem, I wanted to pay it forward to the community with a little bite sized tutorial (really just a screenshot, with me answering any questions people have, if I can) on how to blueprint a “meteor shower” with projectiles into your level via a trigger (in this case the “/” key)!
I’ll probably update this OP with more things as I further develop this into a full event system, refine the scripting, add more variables in for randomization of the projectiles rotation/location/etc on spawn, once I learn more
If you have any questions feel free to ask, and if you have any advice to give, PLEASE DO. (I’m really new to UE4 still, but VERY hungry to be on the front lines so to speak, with the best of the best soon)
Screenshot of blueprint:
And video demonstration of it in use
Original Post:
Hi there,
I’ve successfully managed to blueprint in the starting mechanics for a “Projectile Emitter” in my level (using target points to spawn in a projectile), but here’s the problem I am experiencing currently:
All of the projectiles seem to get deleted at the same point in their life, before the explosion occurs on my projectile, despite any changes I make to their life span timers (meaning those awesome explosions I’m wanting to see shower down upon my level don’t have a chance to occur 95% of the time when they spawn in because I have them setup to explode on movement stopped).
It seems to be ignoring the delay of 40 seconds I added before destroying the actor in the script. I’ve also tried editing the projectile lifespan from 0 to anything else, and no dice.
I’m assuming just due to inexperience that I’m missing something silly, so any help would be appreciated!
Note: I’m using ShooterGame as a template for streamlining purposes, so the projectiles are based off the ShooterProjectile. Also please note, while I do not mind doing C++, just be aware & keep in mind, that I’m learning it still, and not very fluent with it at this point. I would prefer to work with blueprints where available.
Here’s the gist of the spawner blueprint in my level’s graph (note that the event is set to a keybind):
**Update: Well, I feel silly, I added “Set Life Span” right after the spawnactor, and that seems to have done the trick for now.
Update2: Now it is happening again. Weird. Haven’t changed any thing regarding lifespan or what not.
It was being inconsistent, now its not. Hmm.**
Not sure at this point where to look other than possibly the original ShooterProjectile C++ class (I’m guessing, and correct me if I am wrong here, that there is integer somewhere in there that is dictating the master life span of it)
- Sinari