Question: Fading of global post process volumes based on luma?


I have created a fidelity lighting system based on ReShade that fades in and out between different LUT’s depending on the light situation (Avg luma on screen) for which i have created 3 different LUT’s. One for daylight situation, one for interior shadows, and one for nighttime. These work globally on the entire map so you wouldn’t have to set up a post-processing volume for every single interior.

My question: Can you do the same thing inside of unreal engine??
What I imagine is to set up 3 different global post-processing volumes and then add a luma controller for each of them. Depending on the avg luma on screen, the volumes would then fade in and out of each other to emphasize dark areas or maybe add specific effects like bloom to specific luma/lighting conditions.

If the answer is no then i would follow up with a proof of concept post for implementation in unreal engine, so please let me know.