QUESTION: Anyone want/try/know how to disable RPG elements? Character Classes?

Anyone want/try/know how to disable RPG elements? I did an in-forum search and nothing came up.

I’m downloading the dev kit right now and completely new to Unreal, modding all that.

Being a fan of DayZ, I’d prefer to do away with the RPG elements in Ark.

So I wish to make a mod with pre-select classes balanced against each other.
Examples: Warrior Class: Melee damage and speed on its side but be prone to hunger and thirst faster.
Survivalist Class: Crafts quickly, less prone to hunger/thirst. Not strong or fast.
Tamer Class: Bonuses to training, riding dinos. Not strong or fast.

The point to all of this is to get rid of the nit-picky assigning of points and to get into the action. Currently in the game, you have to jump in and do chores before you have a shot and that misses the opportunity for a beautiful risk vs. reward system that DayZ did so well.

Thanks for reading.

Hi Rudiger,

Great idea! I think we’re trying to do the same thing :slight_smile:

I’ll keep you updated if I get anywhere :slight_smile:


I just read your thread and it sounds like we’re “on the same page.” Some of the replies you got are interesting. I too, will keep you informed if I find a way forward.