fluid flux’s blueprint BP_FluidSimulation can’t capture the ground, it keeps showing up at the top, but it works fine in Unreal 5.2, do you have any idea why this is?
I’ve got the same problem and I discovered that if you set the engine scalability setting to Epic it fix the problem…
What do you mean shows at the top? Like the water level is flat at the top?
Also make sure you do not use PixelDepthOffset on the materials!
UPDATE: That was scalability problem, if its set to epic and you restart the editor its going to work!
I got the same problem, it was working fine on 5.3.2, well from second time, I set up ocean, coast line etc and few simulations, all was great, but then I changed some settings with thirdPerson actor blueprints and water dissapeared and simulation stopped working. I have created new scene - same, coastline domain does not recognize any landscape I created no matter shape and size.
Reinstalled engine from zero - same, fluid flex simply stopped working at all. Water visible only when its binding box is at the same level with water, I raise it to get flex to detect costline and water dissapears.
Dont know what to do to be honest…it was working so fine before…
One thing to make sure you do is have the correct version.
There was an update on the marketplace between 5.2 and 5.3 for Flux.
If you migrated a project, make sure you re-add the current version of Flux.
What I mean is dont migrate a 5.2 version of Flux into a 5.3 project, go from the marketplace directly.
Problem was in setting scene quality, I set it up to epic and reloaded the project, all got fixed.