Hi there. I have a little question my first UEFN. I’m creating an experience similar to Five Nights at Freddy’s, and I’m designing the IU to show up the hour and the battery. For the hours, I’ve created 6 different countdowns (timer_device). My idea is that when a Class called Game recieves a signal of Finished from one of the countdowns, it should change the Hour atribute in the Game Object. However, my question is the next one: is there any way to use the atribute Hour of the object (via getters) to show up the value of that int on my IU?
Also I’m sharing part of the code (is not finished, i just an scratch):
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
See Create Your Own Device Using Verse for how to create a verse device.
A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
Partida := class(creative_device):
Bateria : float = 100.0 # Bateria disponible en la sala
Hora : int = 12; # Hora en minutos (victoria a las 360)
PuertaD : char = ‘c’ # Estado puerta derecha (c para cerrada; a para abierta)
PuertaI : char = ‘c’ # Estado puerta izquierda (c para cerrada; a para abierta)
LuzD : char = ‘d’ # Estado luz derecha (a para activada, d para desactivada)
LuzI : char = ‘d’ # Estado luz izquierda (a para activada, d para desactivada)
@editable PrimeraHora : timer_device = timer_device{}
@editable SegundaHora : timer_device = timer_device{}
@editable TerceraHora : timer_device = timer_device{}
@editable CuartaHora : timer_device = timer_device{}
@editable QuintaHora : timer_device = timer_device{}
@editable SextaHora : timer_device = timer_device{}
# Runs when the device is started in a running game
PasarDoceAUno(Player : ?agent) : void =
Print("Here we should change hour from 12 to 1!")
Thank you!