Question about the account

Hi, all.

I have an account but can’t use it to create a new topic or reply to others(there is no reply button when browsing topics). I can only use another account, which is currently used, to send my post. Does anyone know what’s the problem or where I can ask for help?

I really appreciate any help is provided. Thanks in advance.

Have you tried different browsers? It may be messed up cookies, or your account is locked out (ban, or you failed to login too many times etc.)

Delete cookies for all epic websites, try another browser or another PC. Is your account working with epic launcher and marketplace (can you login there and see your packages)?

Try to split problem use login in different ways and see what is failing.

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Thank you for replying. I changed another browse and device but still got the same result, so I think my account got banned, but I didn’t post anything with that account. Could you please tell me what I should do about it if you know it? Much appreciated.

Not necessary.

Some time ago when EU implemented GDC (or sumtin about digital rights or so) Epic changed some stuff and half of people from EU lost some forum functionality.

So it may be something messed up on the way.

You can either start topic like this one and hope mods will notice.
Or you can join discord server and try there.