Question about reminding players how XP works without calibration

Hi, I read the new guidelines section 1.13, and I would like to know if the following is within the rules:

  • In game reminder to players that non XP calibrated islands still give playtime XP in batches after the player leaves the match
  • If the above is allowed, are we allowed to suggest an estimate for the XP (such as Y xp per minute)
  • Do we need a disclaimer that states XP varies by player?
  • Will we be penalized if the information becomes outdated?
  • Should we put a date on the message to indicate to players that the information may become outdated?

Through playtesting, I’ve learned that many players do not know they can get XP from islands that are not calibrated. Many will miss the lack of calibration symbol on the thumbnail, join the island expecting XP, and immediately leave when they do not get flashing, ding sound effect XP notifications, because they falsely perceive that they are not getting any XP whatsoever.

Thank you for your time.

You can mention XP in your map, that rule is regarding promotional material.