Question about redistributables?


I need to know what exactly I need to install to my packaged project directory in terms of dll files for a unreal engine game being distributed on epic games store. I got flagged because I did not have visual studio c++ runtime redistributable in my game files however I dont know exactly what that means, what files do I need exactly?

This is the message the epic games reviewer on dev portal left “The game is failing to launch due to requiring Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime. Please ensure your game includes or installs all needed prerequisites; these options are explained in detail in the following documentation:

That link did not help, it just told me to go to some microsoft website which has really bad documentation. it just said to include a exe installer with my game or do some kind of “Merge Modules” which I have no clue what that means or how it is supposed to work with unreal engine and its packaging tool.

I can’t update my game because of this so I really need someone at epics help, this isnt a problem with steam because they have tools on their dev portal to automatically install what you need, if epic is now requiring devs to do “Merge Modules” and mess around with dlls and third party executables then this NEEDS to be a part of the game launcher and dev tools and no, requiring a user to open a third party installer with admin privileges or batch file after trying to open the game is not the answer.

I tried testing the ueprequisites installer that comes in the engine/thirdparty folder but I really want to avoid having players use a third party installer just to play the game as that is extremely sketchy and will likely hurt sales with high refunds and customer brand trust issues.

This is extremely frustrating because I can’t update my game now or even the cover art and I have 0 clue what I am supposed to do.

So after copy pasting the “msvcp140_2.dll” and “vcruntime140_1.dll” from the visual studio install folder(you might need to search their names in window explorer) the build got approved.

This is resolved now and for anyone who gets told this just copy paste those two files into your packaged game folder where the exe and manifest files are located(should be the root).

I have feedback for the epic games store development team to add installing these files as a install option in the artifacts like steam does. That would make it much easier if you could just click a checkbox to install what prerequisites a game may need via the portal and then the launcher handles installing those alongside the game install, this is technically possible as other game launchers do it.

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Hey there, we apologize for the delayed response. I wanted to check in to see if you are still having issues with this, if so, please let us know, if it’s resolved feel free to disregard.


I got it resolved by copy pasting some .dll files from my visual studio install folder into the game files before uploading however I think it would still be a good feature for the dev portal to have a way to install these automatically instead of each game distributing them in their files.

Hi! Thank you for posting your solution, I will be trying it out so fingers crossed it will work out for me as well.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find out which dll were needed? I’ve checked Epic and Microsoft’s documentation but it’s not exactly clear.