Question about "realtime boolean operation inside UE 4"


It is posible “somehow” to use boolean operation inside UE 4 (in realtime) When i said boolean operation i mean CUT/make holes/Penetrate from one geometry to antother via C++ or blueprints.
For any lecture or podcasts or tutorials I will be very grateful

Also if someone can reccomend some good tutorials for example good practice for gameplay programer in c++ ( good if it was inside UE4)

Thanks for any answer/help/or feedback

It is possible using the procedural mesh component. The real problem is writing all the code for a general Boolean operation, which is quite complex. You could simplify it by limiting your operations to say axis aligned cubes or something, but that’s probably not what you’re looking for.

If you want to go for it (and hey why not!) you could start here perhaps: