Let me start off by clarifying that I am new to UE4, I haven’t done much with the software beyond importing assets from blender and substance painter, as I am currently more focused on learning how to create game assets. However, I do intend to learn the engine in time and begin by creating simple projects and what now.
That being said, I do admittedly have a lot of impossibly ambitious ideas, and seeing as how I haven’t been able to find a clear answer, I figured I would ask here. From what I’ve learned, the max size limit for a level in UE4 is 20 by 20km, my question is whether or not it is possible to exceed that limit, I’ve found some information suggesting that it’s possible, I’ve seen videos of infinitely generating terrain for example. But what I’m wondering is whether or not it’s possible to create a system similar to that seen in Minecraft or Space-Engine, where instead of generating the entire map at once, the game only generates a small section of a larger world in the player’s visible range, that then de-generates when the player leaves, but all the world-information is saved so the exact-same area reappears when they return to that area, the same as how they left it.
If that’s not possible, I’m curious if there are any other techniques that can be used to generate worlds that exceed the max limit, or create the illusion of exceeding the max limit. I know something like this would be very difficult to pull-off, but I’m just curious.